The Unspoken Truth of the Black Superintendent in America
Black Superintendents must navigate a range of political, social, economic, and bureaucratic issues to be successful in public education. They must also demonstrate true contemporary leadership skills and competencies, including the ability to align the needs and demands of competing stakeholder groups, overcome inherent institutional racism and antiquated policies and regulations, and encourage the voices of various constituent groups to be heard and engaged in the decision-making and problem-solving process. This research will highlight what works—and doesn’t work—when Black superintendents at different levels of their tenure are fighting for diversity, equity, inclusion and antiracism in public schools across America.

Howard University IRB Approval 2024

The consent preamble for all participants in the focus group.
The study design for exploring the challenges faced by Black superintendents navigating political, social, economic, and bureaucratic issues is a qualitative approach including focus groups with Black Superintendents that examines their experiences and leadership strategies. For participants that are unable to participate in a focus group session, a survey for Black Superintendents to gather perspectives on the effectiveness of leadership initiatives in addressing institutional racism and outdated policies through the lens of the Black superintendent.

Identifying Research Objectives: Clearly define the research objectives and questions that the focus groups and surveys aim to address.
Participant Recruitment: Select participants who represent diverse perspectives and experiences relevant to the research objectives. Ensure that the focus groups and survey samples include aspiring Black superintendents, current superintendents, and retired superintendents.
Focus Group Moderation: Conduct focus group sessions with a facilitator who guides the discussion, encourages participation, and ensures that all voices are heard. Use open-ended questions to explore participants’ attitudes, beliefs, and experiences related to their experiences with diversity, equity, inclusion and antiracism in education.
Data Collection: Record focus group sessions and transcribe the discussions for analysis. Capture key themes, insights, and perspectives shared by participants.
Survey Design: Develop an online survey instrument using Survey Monkey that aligns with the research objectives using the focus group questions.
Survey Administration: Administer the online survey to a representative sample of the target population who are unable to participate in focus group.
Data Analysis: Analyze focus group transcripts and survey responses to identify patterns, themes, and trends related to the research objectives.
Integration of Findings: Integrate findings from focus groups and survey data to gain a comprehensive understanding of the research topic. Identify commonalities, differences, and nuanced perspectives that emerge from both data sources.
Report and Dissemination: Prepare a report summarizing the findings, conclusions, and implications of the research. Share the results with key stakeholders, policymakers, and the broader community to inform decision-making and advocacy efforts related to the examination of the impact Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Antiracism efforts have on the lives of Black School Superintendents.

The following research questions will be asked to aspiring, current and retired Black Superintendents in the focus group or on the online survey if they are unable to participate in the focus group:
(Section for ALL Participants)
“The Potential and Challenges of the Black Superintendent Today”: Research the current status of Black male and female superintendents in the position today. Specifically, highlight their success stories—including their ability to address issues of equity, academic achievement, and disproportionality as part of the position—while analyzing the unique challenges confronting minority educational leaders (e.g., racism, access to training and resources, political disputes, socioeconomic issues, etc.). This research is intended to identify a synthesis of what we know about the unique challenges confronting Black educational leaders and the universal issues, problems, and leadership traits they share in common.
Research Questions:
What are the characteristics of an effective 21st Century educational leader?
What are the unique characteristics of a successful Black superintendent today?
In your opinion, what are the unique challenges confronting Black superintendents today?
How do successful Black superintendents realize their potential?
In your opinion, does gender influence the success of Black superintendents?
How are Black superintendents social, political, economic and cultural divides that are confronting our country today?
(Section for Aspiring Superintendents)
“The Aspiring Black Superintendent: Preparing to Enter the Role and Ensuring a Successful Transition”: This research will approach the superintendent leadership role from the perspective of a “leadership continuum.” Specifically, it will analyze and synthesize conclusions about the preparation and professional learning required for an aspiring Black superintendent to enter the field—and be successful in it. This research will also explore the critical role of the coach and mentor responsible for guiding and supporting an entry-level candidate as they transition into their initial position as a superintendent.
Research Questions:
What motivates Black educational leaders to become superintendents?
To what extent are there common or universal patterns of preparation demonstrated by a majority of aspiring Black superintendents?
What are the unique issues, challenges, and barriers that aspiring Black superintendents must all face and overcome?
Why are coaches and mentors critical to the success of an aspiring Black superintendent?
How can aspiring Black superintendents be prepared to address the social, political, economic and cultural divides that are confronting our country today?
(Section for Novice Superintendent - less than 3 years)
“The New Black Superintendent: A Profile of Success Stories and Lessons Learned”: New Black superintendents (within 3 years of their superintendency) must navigate a range of political, social, economic, and bureaucratic issues to become successful. They must also demonstrate true contemporary leadership skills and competencies, including the ability to align the needs and demands of competing stakeholder groups, overcome inherent institutional racism and antiquated policies and regulations, and encourage the voices of various constituent groups to be heard and engaged in the decision-making and problem-solving process. This research will identify what works—and doesn’t work—when Black superintendents first take on this critically important role.
Research Questions:
What are the characteristics of successful first-time Black superintendents?
What are the unique challenges and barriers that a majority of Black superintendents experience as they enter the role?
What supports and professional learning are necessary to ensure the success of new Black superintendents?
How can new Black superintendents be prepared to address the social, political, economic and cultural divides that are confronting our country today?
How can new Black superintendents build coalitions and partnerships with stakeholders in their community?
(Section for Experienced Superintendent - More than 3 years)
“The In-Service Black Superintendent: Opportunities, Challenges, and Barriers: During rapidly changing times, the Black superintendent faces unique opportunities as well as unprecedented challenges and barriers to their success. This research will identify the demands and opportunities inherent in the current educational organization, including the need for in-service superintendents (more than 3 years of the superintendency) to keep up to date on artificial intelligence, social media, political and economic conflicts, and related emerging issues. A major focus of this research will be a synthesis of insights and recommendations made by long-term Black superintendents for those just entering the field.
Research Questions:
How do successful Black superintendents sustain their role as district leaders?
What are the universal challenges that all superintendents are facing today?
What are the unique challenges confronting the long-term Black superintendent?
What are the lessons and insights shared by successful long-term Black superintendents?
How have successful Black superintendents responded to the social, economic, political and cultural changes their communities have experienced over time?
(Section for Retired Superintendent)
“The Retiring Black Superintendent: Looking to the Past and Anticipating the Future”: Black superintendents preparing to move into retirement or a new career pathway are a fascinating and frequently untapped source of wisdom and insight. This research will explore what we can learn from them—and what we can implement in future iterations of public education. A major focal point of the research will involve the theme of “leadership in transition,” analyzing how models of educational leadership have changed and how Black superintendents have successfully adjusted to and internalized these models and related professional practices.
Research Questions:
What can we learn from Black superintendents who are preparing for retirement or a new phase of their professional life?
What do retiring Black superintendents reveal about the lessons and insights they have gained throughout the continuum of their career?
What do retiring Black superintendents suggest about the future of public education?
Are you optimistic, pessimistic, or neutral about where the profession is heading?